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How you can help the Cheshire Life Christmas Appeal

Cheshire Life and KidsBank Chester are working together to support families facing a sad Christmas. 

Here’s why the magazine has chosen to support the volunteers at KidsBank and the children they help all year round

The KidsBank and Cheshire Life Christmas giving appeal. Please help if you can

– Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Since we launched our appeal in last month’s issue, dozens of gifts have been ordered from an Amazon wishlist, along with offers of help and donations of winter clothes, blankets and hot water bottles.

If you are able to make a donation or buy a gift it would make a huge difference to the happiness of hundreds of children in the county who are in poverty and whose parents cannot afford to buy presents, clothes and equipment or pay for adequate heating.

Editor Joanne Goodwin says: ‘The volunteers at the KidsBank charity work tirelessly every day, week and month of the year to help families who don’t have basic equipment such as beds or prams, toiletries or school uniforms.

‘Among the many situations they have experienced are the little girl who was hobbling to school in shoes a size too small, and then there was the boy whose dream was to play in the school football team but hadn’t got boots – both were helped by KidsBank. Families are either referred by schools, social services or emergency services or can self-refer.

‘Cheshire Life decided to ask readers and clients to support the Christmas appeal this year because there are so many more families having to make the choice of buying a few Christmas presents or heating their home and paying for food. The Amazon list has items for just a few pounds and bigger gifts (each child gets five), or readers can make a monetary donation to buy vouchers for older children in the family. 

‘If donors wish to go out and buy their own choice of presents, pyjamas, dressing gowns, water bottles or other things families need they can be dropped off at KidsBank in Chester. Toys with batteries are discouraged as these add to the pressure of buying replacements. We are very thankful to our readers and to the businesses who are giving.

‘We will show the results of their kindness in the December magazine.

With so many more presents to deliver this year, the team at KidsBank are also looking for more volunteers. Anyone who can spare a few hours can contact KidsBank on 07305 019699 or email: If you know a family in need contact KidsBank.  

The volunteers

‘We are love in action’

Woman with charity toys

Catherina Rhodes with gifts donated to the 2022 KidsBank Christmas appeal

– Credit: Catherina Rhodes

Catherina Rhodes
It is the memory of a seven-year-old girl that still reverberates with me and indeed so many similar boys and girls I met in my 30 years of teaching in socially disadvantaged schools that drives my passion for all that KidsBank achieves as a charity.

KidsBank is the organisation vulnerable families in crisis can reach out to to get immense support. We are love in action. We listen to what is required, complete a referral form and then give appropriate excellent items to ensure the family can thrive. The turnaround is very indeed. The mental health of families is our priority.

Children from birth to 12 years of age can be provided with appropriate sleepwear, hygiene items, clothing for all occasions, warm coats, uniforms, school equipment, books and toys. This then allows them to thrive and go to school ready to learn each day.

The seven-year-old girl I mentioned was looking after two younger siblings during the night and was getting them ready for school. She was so tired herself; she had very little school uniform, lacked a warm coat and certainly did not have a dress for a Christmas party we were having at school.

She came to me and told me her worries. She explained her mum’s situation and how it was impacting the family. I have never forgotten that conversation and her trust in me to help her. Social services were absolutely brilliant with the family. The problems didn’t go away but the responsibility was lifted off her shoulders. I made sure she did have a party dress and that her brother and sister had clothes too so they did all go to the Christmas party and didn’t miss Santa’s visit. Christmas is so important to children – the magic of Santa…

KidsBank works excellently with social services and constantly accepts referrals for vulnerable families just like the family I have described. We give only the very best. These families deserve the very best as they are not able to choose the items for themselves.

On a day-to-day basis, and each time I go to volunteer, I am in awe of the whole referral process. I don’t think there is anyone who comes to see KidsBank in action who isn’t moved emotionally by the vast logistics of what we volunteers do with the most loving care. Cathy Pettingale, the founder of KidsBank and head of operations, is just outstanding and her work for families is truly amazing.

This will be the third Christmas Giving Appeal I have been involved with. I am on the planning team this year and the whole process will be truly like Santa’s workshop. Volunteers still doing much-needed referrals but also putting in extra shifts being the best elves possible packing Santa’s gift parcels. All children deserve to have a wonderful Christmas time with presents from Santa. If they are on our list they will.

The list of children this year is estimated at 750. This is absolutely huge and a massive task for a charity like KidsBank to work with but we do it with such vast amounts of love. The process of packing the presents is very calm and completed with bundles of love. We aim to give a main present and four smaller gifts for each child on our list. Older children have a gift voucher as their main present so money contributions are important to us as well as gifts.

We also aim to give a present to mums and dads. I know how much children love their parents and we want them to have something as well on Christmas Day.

KidsBank really needs your support this year. It is the combined giving of us all that can make such a difference. I urge anyone who is able to get one more gift and give it to KidsBank to do so. Let us all make Christmas special for our most vulnerable families living locally.

We are currently adding to all referrals Christmas party outfits for girls and boys and jumpers wherever we can. I think all of us can remember the magic of Christmas and having that extra special outfit to wear when there was a party at school or a family event.

As a volunteer representative for KidsBank, my passion for the charity grows each day. I couldn’t be prouder of what we achieve for vulnerable families. I am truly concerned about what would happen if we were not here for families. Please help us and support the KidsBank/Cheshire Life Christmas Giving Appeal if you can.

On all referrals, we enclose a gift tag from KidsBank and a message of hope. It is simply signed with the name of the volunteer who has put the referral together. I put an extra heart under my name. That heart represents my love and the promise I made to myself years and years ago to always care for vulnerable children and to keep families together as much as possible.

It is difficult to put into words the passion I have for what I do with KidsBank and all the wonderful volunteers that work so hard together.

A huge thank you to Cathy Pettingale, the trustees, the volunteers and most of all, those who choose to support KidsBank and keep on giving for 2023 and beyond. Your continued support is vital to keep children warm and healthy during these unprecedented times.

Carla Brannan 

On a December day last year, I knocked on the door of a family home in the Chester area and handed over several red bags containing gifts for the children. The father was overwhelmed, and, words came tumbling out; he could not find enough of them to express his gratitude. He even ran down the street as I left to say how grateful he was. This delivery of several small presents made the difference between a stressful and miserable Christmas and a happy and peaceful one.  

I have volunteered for the past two years with KidsBank. People we help find it overwhelming when they receive gifts and support. They are so grateful because they are coping with difficult circumstances. Our social media is flooded with messages of thanks.  

When I first started delivering, the charity was giving out presents to a few hundred children; last year it doubled to 420, and this year we expect there will be a need for at least 750. 

Demand is increasing year by year. We are seeing a real shift in who is coming forward for help. More people who are working are now asking. We help people who are working or not working, it doesn’t matter, we are glad they have asked for help, there is no shame in that. Living costs are rising, it is difficult. 

We are already busy preparing at our warehouse. Donations are sorted into age ranges and matched with families who have referred themselves or been referred. Every gift is new, not second-hand, and they remain unwrapped so parents can see what their children will receive and decide whether to wrap them up themselves or give to them as though it is from Santa himself. 

We take care to tie the gifts up in a ribbon and give them in a red sack, and then it is up to the parents or guardians how they give them to the children. We deliver them well before Christmas, to take the stress out of waiting and wondering if the gifts will arrive. My car is always filled to brimming with presents to deliver. It is really heart-warming to hand out the gifts and be part of the process of selecting and preparing them.

I am a mother, working full-time. and volunteering is my favourite part of the week. It puts things into perspective and shows you what is important in life. It is great to feel you are making an impact, even if it is in a small way.

Messages of thanks

Oh, my word, what an inspirational place I would want our families to use when necessary. Cathy and the staff are incredible; if you can measure a place on love, warmth, and care this would be the place you’d want to visit: Dave Williams, headteacher of Dee Point Primary School, Blacon, Chester. 

Received winter stuff yesterday, it was like Christmas Day in my house. The children had to try it all on. They even filled the water bottles and put them in bed an hour before they went so their beds were warm. Thank you.

You’re incredible, thank you so much. Everything is absolutely amazing and more than I could have ever imagined. My children are lovely and warm tonight thanks to their new bedding and their faces lit up when they saw what they had.
As a single parent, you have helped me massively. I struggle to make ends meet a lot with very little income. I have five young children, one with medical issues that require more expense and you’ve literally saved the day when I struggled for new clothing. You are all amazing and I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for us.’ 

 ‘I am blown away with how much love, care and attention has gone into making the package and how much stuff I have received, and the quality of the clothes and how beautiful it was presented. Of all the things I have to worry about there is now one less and I am truly grateful from the very bottom of my heart. 

 I received all my items the other day and was completely overwhelmed by the amount of stuff, absolutely amazed and so thankful. You made my week a little less stressful, which means the world.  Thank you and thank you for all the work you do. I hope one day I will be in a position to donate and help.’ 

‘I just want to thank you for delivering clothes to my children. When I saw all the items you have donated to us, I cried. This means so much to me and my children, they were so excited to look and see what items they had been given. They also want to thank you as well. 

How to give
This is how you can help to give children and families a happier Christmas this year.
Take a look at the Cheshire Life Christmas Giving Amazon Wishlist or follow the link on to decide which gift or gifts to give, and pay.

There is a choice of smaller and larger items. Each child receives a main gift and four smaller ones such as colouring books, craft sets, games and puzzles. These will be delivered directly to the KidsBank team who will hand them for youngsters to open on Christmas morning. 

If you prefer to make a financial gift this will go towards buying £20 vouchers for children aged 10 and over and to giving support to families in crisis. This can be done via bank transfer. The charity details are Nat West Bank, sort code 60-05-07, account number 22916288, account name Kidsbank Chester. Or scan this QR code to make a donation.

QR cosde

QR code for monetary donations to the Cheshire Life Christmas giving appeal for KidsBank

– Credit: KidsBank

KidsBank Chester, 21 Garden Lane, Chester CH14EU  07305 019699


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